Conangles  © ENTREPYR


1555 m

  Refugi guardat tot l'any
It is located at the south side of the Vielha Tunnel, 200 metres from the N-230 on the left bank of the River Noguera Ribagorçana. The building, constructed in the 1970s by the now defunct National Institute for the Conservation of Nature (ICONA), was converted into a mountain refuge and is currently managed by The General Council of Aran. It is along the final stage of the GR 11 and just a few metres from the start of the GR 211.5 variant. It is a great starting point for hiking in the Molières, Conangles and Besiberri valleys and a base camp for climbing and ice climbing in the Molières, La Tallada and Besiberri areas.

Dades tècniques:

  • Municipi: Vielha e Mijaran
  • Propietat: Conselh Generau d’Aran
  • Administrat per: Conselh Generau d’Aran
  • Telèfon / fax: 696 64 98 71
  • Temporada: Calendario
  • Capacity : 36
  • E-mail :
  • Web :


Refugi guardat amb 36 places disponibles
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