Artiga De Lin  © ENTREPYR

Artiga De Lin

1470 m

  Refugi guardat tot l'any
It sits atop of the River Joeu valley in the Era Artiga de Lin Protected Natural Area. This newly constructed building was opened in summer 2019 and is owned by The General Council of Aran. In summer you can access it via the asphalted road from Era Artiga de Lin. In winter, the road is usually closed due to snow and avalanches so you have to hike around 7 km to reach it. L'Artiga de Lin and Uelhs deth Joeu are very popular tourist routes in the summer months. Access by vehicle is restricted during these periods. It is the starting point for numerous medium-high and high mountain trails (Lac and Tuc de Pomèro, Malh dera Artiga and Malh des Pois) as well as hikes to the refuges Ospice de France, Refugio de La Renclusa and Refugio del Portihon de Benasc.

Dades tècniques:

  • Municipi: Vielha e Mijaran
  • Propietat: Conselh Generau d’Aran
  • Administrat per: Conselh Generau d’Aran
  • Telèfon / fax: 34662594444
  • Temporada: Calendario
  • Capacity : 28
  • E-mail :
  • Web :


Refugi guardat amb 28 places disponibles
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